Holt Scout Ranch


Holt Scout Ranch (San Gabriel Valley Council) was a Boy Scout camp located in the San Bernardino Mountains of California. The camp was named in honor of Herbert Brayton Holt on June 15, 1968. Prior to that time, the camp was known as Camp Cedar Canyon. Sometime during the 1970's, the camp was sold to a private party.

This web site was created for those who camped at Holt Scout Ranch, especially the camp staff. During the summers of 1967, 68, and 69, I was most fortunate to be a member of the camp staff. Below, you will find links to some of my photographs taken during the summer of 1968. With the passage of time, I have lost some of the names of fellow staff members from my memory, but not the good times. I would like to thank Rick Hurd and Pat Willits for supplying the names of some staff members. I would be happy to hear from anyone who camped at Holt Scout Ranch, especially the staff. Please help me put names to the faces in my photos!

Jeff La Favre
November 12, 2002

updated December 14, 2011

Road Map of Camp Location
Camp Entrance

Memorial Plaque
Camp Staff, 1966 (photo courtesy Pat Lambertson)
Camp Staff, 1968
(photo courtesy Daryl Smetana)
Staff neckerchief, camp belt buckle
Camp Barbeque
Another Camp Barbeque
Bill Rice
Another of Bill Rice
Boxing Food for Campers - Rick Hurd and Pat Willits
Brad Cahoon, Pat Willits and Bill Rice
Brad Cahoon
Another of Brad Cahoon
Applying the ranch brand
A troop campground
Another troop campground
Staff at campfire - John Courter and Daryl Smetana
Jim Drake cleaning rifle
Delivering food to campers - Pat Willits

First Aid class - Dave Dawson
Hikers - Daryl Smetana
Jeff La Favre
Jeff La Favre (photo 2)
Jeff La Favre (photo 3)
Monkey Bridge
Neil Rodgers
Another of Neil Rodgers
Pack Animals
Off for a pack trip - John Courter

Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool (photo 2)
Swimming Pool (photo 3)
Rifle Range
Staff dining hall
Camp Store - Pat Willits
Building a tower
Climbing the tower
Tug of War - Jim Drake



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