Jeffrey La Favre Publications

At left is a scanning electron micrograph of the ascospores of Coniochaeta extramundana, a new species of soil fungus discovered by Jeffrey La Favre.







La Favre, J. S. 1997. The Astronomy of the Lapidario. In The Lapidary of King Alfonso X the Learned, p. 223-322 (Eds. Ingrid Bahler and Katherine Gy�k�nyesi Gatto). University Press of the South, New Orleans.


In Refereed Journals:

Mahoney, D.P. and J.S. La Favre. 1981. Coniochaeta extramundana, with a synopsis of other Coniochaeta species. Mycologia 73:931-952.

La Favre, J.S. and D.D. Focht. 1983. Conservation in soil of H2 liberated from N2 fixation by Hup- nodules. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 46:304-311.

La Favre, J.S. and D.D. Focht. 1983. Comparison of N2-fixation and yields in Cajanus cajan between hydrogenase-positive and hydrogenase-negative rhizobia by in situ acetylene reduction assays and direct 15N partitioning. Plant Physiol. 72:971-977.

Virginia, R.A., L.M. Baird, J.S. La Favre, W.M. Jarrell, B.A. Bryan and G. Shearer. 1984. Nitrogen fixation efficiency, natural 15N abundance, and morphology of mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) root nodules. Plant Soil 79:273-284.

La Favre, J.S. and A.R.J. Eaglesham. 1984. Increased nodulation of "non-nodulating" (rj1 rj1) soybeans by high dose inoculation. Plant Soil 80:297-300.

La Favre, J.S. and D.D. Focht. 1985. Nitrogen fixation and hydrogen evolution by the pigeon pea - Rhizobium symbiosis. Trop. Agric. 62:285-288.

Poth, M., J.S. La Favre and D.D. Focht. 1986. Quantification by direct 15N dilution of fixed N2 incorporation into soil by Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea). Soil Biol. Biochem. 18:125-127.

La Favre, J.S. and A.R.J. Eaglesham. 1986. Rhizobitoxine: a phytotoxin of unknown function which is commonly produced by bradyrhizobia. Plant Soil 92:443-452.

La Favre, J.S., A.K. La Favre and A.R.J. Eaglesham. 1988. Rhizobitoxine production and nodulation characteristics of colony-type derivatives of Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 76. Can. J. Microbiol. 34:1017-1022.

La Favre, A.K., M.J. Sinclair, J.S. La Favre and A.R.J. Eaglesham. 1991. Bradyrhizobium japonicum native to tropical soils: novel sources of strains for inoculants for US-type soya bean. Trop. Agric.


Invited Papers:

La Favre, J.S., A.K. La Favre and A.R.J. Eaglesham. 1986. Devising a model system for documenting competitive interaction between strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. American Society for Microbiology Meeting, Washington, D.C.


Conference Proceedings:

La Favre, J.S. and A.R.J. Eaglesham. 1984. Chlorosis-inducing toxins produced by Rhizobium and their relationship to nodulation of non-nodulating soybean. In Advances in Nitrogen Fixation Research, p. 540 (Eds. C. Veeger and W.E. Newton). Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation. M. Nijhoff and Dr. W. Junk, The Hague.

La Favre, J.S., A.K. La Favre and A.R.J. Eaglesham. 1985. Competition for nodulation by two Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains on soybeans grown under different environmental conditions. In Nitrogen Fixation Research Progress, p. 402 (Eds. H.J. Evans, P.J. Bottomley and W.E. Newton). Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation. Martinus Nijhoff, Boston.


Conference Papers:

Hernandez, B.C., J.S. La Favre and D.D. Focht. 1982. Soil factors affecting the establishment of an efficient cowpea Rhizobium in Cajanus cajan. American Society for Microbiology Meeting, Georgia.

La Favre, J.S. and D.D. Focht. 1982. Oxidation of nodule-evolved H2 by rhizosphere bacteria. Agronomy Society Meeting, California.

Virginia, R.A., W.M. Jarrell, J.S. La Favre, L.M. Baird, D.H. Kohl and G. Shearer. 1982. Nitrogen fixation efficiency, natural 15N abundance, morphology of mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) root nodules. Agronomy Society Meeting, California.

La Favre, J.S. and D.D. Focht. 1983. Liberation of H2 from N fixation and its consumption by hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria in soil. American Society for Microbiology, Louisiana.

La Favre, J.S. and D.D. Focht. 1983. Kinetics of H2 evolution and consumption in the nodule rhizosphere. Third International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Michigan.

La Favre, J.S., A.K. La Favre and A.R.J. Eaglesham. 1985. Rhizobitoxine production and soybean nodulation by colony-type derivatives of Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 76. Tenth North American Rhizobium Conference, Maui, Hawaii.

Thesis and Dissertation:

La Favre, J.S. 1977. Mycoecology of a Chamise Chaparral: Microfilamentous Soil Fungi from Burned and Unburned Soils. Master's Thesis. California State University, Los Angeles.

La Favre, J. S. 1982. Hup+ and Hup- Rhizobia: N Fixation in Cajanus cajan and Oxidation of Evolved H2 by Rhizosphere Bacteria. Ph.D. dissertation. University of California, Riverside.

Online Publications:

La Favre, J.S. (1997). "The Lapidary of King Alfonso X The Learned"

La Favre, J.S. (1998). "Charles Brush and the Arc Light"

La Favre, J.S. (2004). "The La Favre 5-octave marimba"

La Favre, J.S. (2011). "Howard F. La Favre: Navy Service on PGM-7 and PGM-3 - World War II."

La Favre, J.S.(contributor). "USS PGM-3." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia., The Free Encyclopedia, Sep, 2011 (date of contribution).

La Favre, J.S.(contributor). "USS PGM-7." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia., The Free Encyclopedia, Sep, 2011 (date of contribution).

La Favre, J.S.(contributor). "USS PGM-8." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia., The Free Encyclopedia, June-July, 2017 (date of contribution).

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